4月13日上午,由集團團委主辦的湖南機場集團青年英語協(xié)會揭牌儀式暨青年英語協(xié)會2023年首期英語沙龍活動,在長沙機場員工活動中心英語角舉行。集團黨委書記、董事長姚英杰,集團黨委副書記崔武松,集團工會主席,長沙機場、空港實業(yè)相關(guān)負責同志,湖南師范大學邢鴻儒博士、協(xié)會顧問Aline Tedeschi博士以及長沙地區(qū)各單位的英語愛好者們參加活動。
《Close to you》歌曲獨唱、《Stepmother Tea Party》配音秀、《Youth Forever》朗誦、《Hey Jude》吉他彈唱……活動現(xiàn)場節(jié)目多樣,妙趣橫生,引領(lǐng)著全場觀眾欣賞一場場全英文視聽盛宴,同時也向在座的英語愛好者展示了學習英語的多種途徑。
As a language widely used by many countries, English is an essential tool to know the world. We need to keep learning English and contribute yourselves to the internationalisation of the airport. Meanwhile, this is the key time for Hunan Airport Group to seize the opportunity to develop, under the guidance of opening up policy and to support the construction of One Belt One Road. Therefore, youth need to actively practise and use English, to be the force that boost Hunan Airport Group's development.
English bridges different peoples, countries and cultures. Up till now, there are still misunderstandings holding by Western countries. Therefore, it is important to tell stories of China, of Hunan, of China Civil Aviation to the world, promote the cross-culture communication and use English as a tool to broaden our horizons, understand the world, exchange cultures, and break prejudices.
Thirdly, the Airport English Association re-launches again, establishing a platform for young English learners to exchange ideas, improve English proficiency and widen their horizons. I believe English Association will create a good atmosphere, continue to carry out various interesting events to attract more young airport staff to join, and work together to make great progress.
活動現(xiàn)場,姚英杰為協(xié)會特聘顧問Aline Tedeschi博士頒發(fā)聘書。崔武松為青年英語協(xié)會負責人頒發(fā)聘書。
Aline Tedeschi博士對此次活動表示高度贊賞。生動活潑的情景劇讓她真正感受到了長沙機場工作人員的熱情好客。
Everyone has done a great job. The service is warm, appropriate, and showed the hospitality of the Chinese.
Learning English is not just learning a language. We should also try to think from an English perspective and practice our cross-cultural competence in our work. Therefore, we could provide warm and homelike service for every passenger, no matter which country they are from or what cultural background they have, and solve the communication difficulties.
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